Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come
unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed,
the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every
so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the
temple of God, displaying himself as being God ~ 2 Th 2:3-5.
Me ~ What is the great deception?
John ~ The great deception is the greatest lie ever told and it will be told by the Anti-Christ.
Me ~ What is the lie?
John ~ The greatest lie is that we don't need a savior nor redeemer and we can become gods ourselves. We can find a way on our own to save ourselves spiritually and physically.
Me ~ How did Jesus prepare us to recognize the lie.
John ~ When Jesus came here he gave proof that He was God by the things He did and said that were prophesied thousands of years before Him. He became the sacrifice to take away our sin and give us eternal life. And, he promised to give us God's spirit as evidence that we are now reborn into God's kingdom. Having this spirit in us gives us discernment to recognize the truth from the lie.
Jesus's life and death on earth was to reveal to us that death is lie. He came to tell us that our real life is not in this fallen fleshly world. Since the fall, we now live in a sinful corrupt world, death is the result of sin in the world. Through His death and our death we overcome the world of sin. In that overcoming, we are born of the spirit and with that and in that given eternal life. This promise, was in fact, the first demonstrated to us in the experience of Abraham who was willing to sacrifice his son Issac.
Me ~ If you saying that is death is a lie, then why will the Anti-Christ tell us this if Jesus Christ already did?
John ~ The difference is that the Anti-Christ is going to tell us that we don't need God for eternal life, we just need him and our own technology.The Anti-Christ will tell us that this place is the 'real place' and that death is a lie and that he is God wants does not want not to die but to live and worship him. To accomplish this, all we have to do is use the technology he has given us; for instance, technology to create new DNA, to take the mark of our new creation. That is the lie.
Me ~ Are we being set up for this Anti-Christ and his false promise even now?
John ~ Yes. We see this new generation completely subservient to this very new technology, fully trusting it and those behind it. They are completely unaware that their humanity and freedom are being stolen from them. They are being indoctrinated in simple and naive ways by ungodly men and women. Firstly, they have accepted demonic images, devils and magic as normal. They have accepted tattoos as normal and they have accepted technology as friendly; living in their virtual fb/twitter worlds. They have accepted lies about homosexuality and that the environment is a living 'mother' spirit. They have accepted the idea that they are their own god and life is all about them and that they are entitled to think that way. There has never been a generation in all of human history so prepared to be deceived as the new millennials.
Me ~ What is the future going to be like for those (including all ages) not being deceived?
John ~ It is going to be dangerous. Because the deception is going to be so wide spread and accepted by the majority. It is going to make it difficult to have and keep a job and be a part of the culture and society. In Rev. chapter 13 we read that those who do not take the mark will not be able to buy or sell. Essentially, living in a world sold out to deception will be a perilous as Jesus said it would be. But perilous in so far as our bodies can be killed, but Thank God in Jesus Christ we have eternal life and we should not be afraid.
I know that from God's own word, He will provide for us and protest us and use us for His glory and we will inherit everything once He has cleaned this mess up. So, for the longer range forecast, for those who are not deceived, the future will be utterly incredibly wonderful. "Blessed on are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." Rev. 14:13. " He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain for the old order of things has passed away." Rev. 21:5. While the future for those deceived, the future is going to be incredibly horrifying. ..."for during those days (men who have the mark of the beast and not the seal of God on their foreheads), they will seek death, (they will want to die) but death will elude them". Rev. 9
Know that we are in the kingdom now (Colossians 1:13), but there is a more
glorious phase to yet be entered (2 Peter 1:11). We enjoy salvation
presently (Mark 16:16), but there is a greater dimension, a heavenly
salvation, to be received at death (2 Timothy 4:18). There is a sense in
which we are with Christ now (Matthew 18:20; 26:29; 28:20), but there
is a more exalted state in which we will be with him ultimately
(Philippians 1:23; 2 Corinthians 5:8).
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