The Analyst

The Analyst
Being Brainy for God

Monday, October 30, 2017

The Bible is the Word of God!

Me ~ If the Bible is the inerrant Word of God then that should mean that all of the universe with the heavens and earth are also inerrant = perfectly true. Shouldn't it? 

John ~ Yes and No. Yes, because the Bible as the Word of God tells us that the Word of God is true and that all of God's creation is true. Anything created by God would be created perfectly and perfectly true. However, we are told that this world is a fallen world. Which gives us a No answer as that implies the universe is not perfectly true since we are told that this is a fallen world. 

And, that would seem to imply to the word as well. But, it does not. Just because the product is broke does not mean the instructions were written improperly and imperfectly. In fact, a broken product implies that the product was once unbroken and was in perfect condition, doesn't it?

You see, we are in a fallen 'corrupted version' of the perfect world which was not by God's doing. It was by our doing because we failed in following the instructions properly. God's version where we used to be is a higher version, an HD version, from which humans are now banned until the second coming.

Me ~ Is there any truth at all in this corrupted version? 

John ~ Yes, but it is not the same HD version. Man simply does not have the ability to see and exist in the HD version. Better would be to say that man's ability has been masked by sin (failure to follow commands) and man was thus clothed in a skin 'garment' which has an expiration date in this version. An event that will collapse the old version and bring forth and or allow a permanent upgrade to the HD version.

We have been introduced to the HD version by and through Jesus Christ. He was/is the conduit or way to the Father and His 'HD' Kingdom. We are told in scripture that in/through Christ the old man 'program' is dead and a new creation exists in Him ~ Jesus Christ.

Me ~ But, still you might yet say - Wouldn't that mean that the Word of God here and now in this fallen world is not perfectly clear to us/may not be true? And, that for some it is foolishness. 

John ~ Yes, that is why the Bible is able to answer itself in most instances (3 copies of the same); also, Jesus spoke in parables so that we would not just see the word and take it as a one dimensional or one bit of information but to go deeper into what was/is the Word by hearing it in the stories He told. And, by sending His Holy Spirit we are now able to discern. 

It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that we hear the Word of God and the truth of His Kingdom to come, not see it, as faith comes by hearing not by sight. Man in this fallen version always has to see it to believe it. This is due to the condition of the fallen world.
Me ~ What does the HD version of God's Kingdom look like?

John ~ Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying: “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the former things have passed away.”…Revelation 21:1-4.

Sunday, October 15, 2017

What will the Kingdom of God Be Like?

Me ~ Don't you think that a lot of Christians don't really know what the Kingdom will be like?

John ~ Yes, most Christians have not got a clue what it will be like to live in the Kingdom. Most of those in the world think that they will sit in the clouds playing a harp or be in church all day singing hymns. While the nominal Christian thinks it will be good but does not have clue what good is. The true Christian knows that it will be wonderful to be with Jesus and believes it will be glorious to be in His presence.

Me ~ Agree. I think its because they haven't read scripture or that they prefer their own imaginations or someone's imagination of it that they have picked up on or learned. I would add that many people 'Christians' think that heaven will be a kind of servitude to a god like entity ...something like Zeus  from Greek mythology and that the place for that servitude is some kind of fairy castle in a mystical heaven or other dimensional realm.

My question is - How do you know that what they think is incorrect and what will the Kingdom be like?

John ~ In order to understand the Kingdom, we must first describe how we will exist in it. We will be our true self - a spirit.  Of course, some will argue that is not true and its because they exist only in the flesh, what they can see. They think that once we leave this body there is nothing else. But, that is not true. We are spirit and we are life  just as Jesus said He was, we will be once again. That is what we were before the fall. A spirit is a higher physical entity. Again, too many people in and of the world think a spirit is a nebulous entity that hovers around in existence. But a spirit is a non scientific word for a higher dimensional body. A body that can exist in a higher space and time dimension.

Spirits are more real than we are and have powers far beyond our own - angels i.e.  As our true self = 'spirit' we will be more physically real, we will be doing physically real things in the new heavens and new earth which will be joined together in one place. No one longer will the earth, and this universe be separate from God and the heavens.

Me ~ How did we get in this 'fleshly fallen state'?

John ~ Well, you know Genesis and that Adam and Eve sinned against God and they hid from Him. So, God put skin on Adam and Eve, He clothed them. He did not kill an animal to do it. God simply put human skin on them. Now, clothed in the flesh they/we lost the power and access to God that they/we used to have and became trapped in this fleshly 3D world with its limitations and its fallen condition.

Me ~ Yes, I know and I agree but there must be some purpose served in this fleshly state, right?

John ~ Yes, we have to be renewed in the spirit through this fleshly state. However, the perfect state for you and me is to live in the body that Jesus had received at the resurrection. Again, we are in this world but not of it... just temporarily trapped here until God separates the tares from the wheat.

Me ~ What will we be doing in the Kingdom?

John ~ For one, we will be drinking good wine and eating really good food. Jesus says we will be doing both in the Kingdom. And, we will be doing the same things Adam and Eve were doing; maintaining and beautifying the world that God gave us, the one in the new Kingdom which will be without pain, without sin, disease, and tears.

We know that God is going to make a massive planet city called the New Jerusalem that has streets and mansions, homes with rooms ... each person will eat from his/her own tree. So, we will be gardening.  I suspect we will be doing a lot of other things too, we will be ruling and reigning with Him which implies administration. After all, His Kingdom comes to redeem which intends to replace man's government, man's way of doing things in this fallen world.

Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" ~ Revelation 21:1-4.

Me ~ How can we prepare for the coming Kingdom of God?
John~ "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit" ~ Acts 2:38.